Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Kishtwar Kailash 2013

Although Kailash (6451m) is the last major unclimbed peak in the eastern sector of the Kishtwar Himalaya, there was no record of it ever being attempted before the arrival of this team. To avoid the troubles in Kashmir, their approach was via the Rhotang Pass and down the Chenab Gorge. Base Camp was established at c4000m, a few hours short of Kishtwar Kailash. Climbing as two separate pairs, Fowler and Ramsden were successful in making the first ascent of the peak via a challenging line on its West Face. The ascent took 5½ days with another 1½ to descend to base camp: the highest technical difficulties encountered were ED and Scottish VI. Meanwhile, Morrison & Smith undertook a reconnaissance of the peaks surrounding the Chomochior Glacier.

September - October 2013
Mick Fowler with Mike Morrison, Paul Ramsden & Rob Smith

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