Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British North Sikkim 2006

This husband and wife team left home thinking they were to be issued a permit to attempt Gurudongmar (6,715m) in North Sikkim, but when they reached New Delhi everything changed. Instead they were issued a permit - the first ever for a foreign expedition - for two peaks in West Sikkim, Koktang (6,147m) and Rathong (6,679m). They attempted both, but reached neither summit because of bad conditions and/or weather. However, they made first ascents of two minor peaks, Chogyl Peak (5,750m) and Frontier Peak (c5650m). At the end of the trip, they received encouraging news about future permits for North Sikkim, and have high hopes of more success in 2007. The leader of this expedition received the MEF Alison Chadwick Memorial Grant for 2006.

October - November 2006
Julie Ann Clyma with Roger Payne from Britain

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