Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British 2000 Western Patagonia

Despite previous experience of the horrendous Patagonia weather, this team must have short memories, as they keep going back. Their original objective, La Dama Blanca, the highest peak in the Cordillera Sarmiento of Chile, was climbed by a Spanish team early in the year, so they turned their attention to the second highest, Angel's Wings, c.1,800m. Their intended approach from the east proved to be impossible owing to avalanches, seracs and a steep valley with wet slabs reaching sea level. By hitching a lift on a passing French yacht, they moved their base camp further south, initially finding access easier - but then the weather caught up with them. One storm lasted 11 days, so that they were lucky to be able to retrieve their equipment.

October - November 2000
Dr David Hillebrandt with Nick Banks, Coos Smith and Niall Washington-Jones

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