Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Mt Dickey 2006

There is no doubt that the mountain areas of the world offer some of the best evidence of global climate change. In Autumn 2005 Ramsden had experienced problems climbing in Alaska due to a record hot/dry summer, but on returning a few short months later he faced the coldest winter for 20 years. The aims of this trip to Mt Dickey (2,909m) were to make the fIrst ascent of a new route on the steep south face icefall and/or the 'laser line' on its east face. But they were disappointed to fInd that the icefall no longer existed, having sublimated in the cold conditions. They therefore tried a line on the east face, which led to the leader's most frightening mountain experience ever when he discovered that a 30m pitch of vertical neve that he had just climbed without any protection was no more than a thin crust. Seeking sunnier routes, they therefore investigated the south face of Mt Bradley but were once again thwarted by the conditions.

March - April 2006
Paul Ramsden with Andy Kirkpatrick

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