Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Ice-marginal Dynamics in West Greenland

This was a scientific expedition to monitor changes in the ice margins of the Russel Glacier, and quantify ice-marginal lake formation and drainage. This will benefit the community of Kangerlussuaq who have experienced destruction of infrastructure and evacuation as a result of outburst floods. The expedition was successful in installing a total of 15 cameras, and the site will be revisited in the summer of 2015 to download the information recorded. A previous visit had identified an accessible ice ramp leading to an area of less fractured ice behind the ice margin, and it was intended to install GPS transmitters here to record ice margin movement. Unfortunately the ice ramp was found to be have become heavily fractured, and installation of the transmitters was no longer possible. A final report will be produced after collection and examination of the camera data this summer.

July - August 2014
Joseph Mallalieu, Duncan Quincey, and Jonathan Carrivick

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