Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Imperial College Ruwenzori Expedition

As the E side of the Ruwenzori massif had been occupied by Museveni's National Resistance Guerrillas, this party had to abandon their plans for Ruwenzori. They substituted a visit to Mount Kenya on which they achieved a number of difficult ice climbs on the S faces (then in winter conditions) of the summit peaks. They also made three new rock climbs on Pigott and Midget Peaks including 'Hunting the Hyrax' (on the W face of Pigou) which they believe to be the first Grade 8 (E3) on the mountain.

July - August 1985
Neil Hodgson with Franco Turrinelli, Neil Travers, Gavin Douglas, Ian Bobby, Jeremy Lay and Xelia Bull

Other expeditions nearby