Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

At-Bashi Expedition

After setting their primary objective to ski traverse the central At Bashi range, the team also hoped to ascend and ski three unnamed 4000m peaks. They found however that many areas they expected to be covered in snow were entirely bare rock and were therefore forced further north-west to where there had been more extensive snowfall. Over four days the team traversed up into the Kon Iylga, reaching a high point of 3450m. Visibility however was poor, and the snow conditions encountered were unstable and highly prone to avalanching. A second attempt to reach higher up the valley in to Chon T r was also unsuccessful due to the extreme cold, with one team member suffering frostbite to both feet. The team decided at this point to retreat and seek medical attention. They note however the vast potential the region could offer for ski mountaineering, despite the uncertain snow conditions that can be found year to year.

January - February 2018
Marian Krogh, Nicole Mesman and Gabrielle Degagne

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