Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Avellano Towers

A party of four, with the principal objective the NE Face of the southernmost Avellano Tower. The approach was by air to Balcamada, crossing the \Lago General Carrera, and then using packhorses to a basecamp. From an advanced basecamp they spent 3 days climbing 250m up the face in worsening weather conditions. They were then confined to basecamp during a storm, after which they found the face plastered with snow. Also a rockfall had removed a section of fixed rope, and when the resumed climbing they had to use an alternative route. Continued poor weather forecasts led to them abandoning the climb. They reported that the face seemed to be of solid high quality granite.

December 2014 - January 2015
David Brown, John Crook, Will Harris and Andy Reeve

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