Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Bearly Adventures 2013 (USA)

The main aim of this duo was to attempt a line on the left hand side of the NE Face of the Bear’s Tooth (3070m) – a 1400m steep mixed/ice line with sections of ‘big wall’. Unfortunately, the day before they flew onto the Buckskin Glacier, there was a 50cm dump of fresh snow, which made the face very dangerous. While they were waiting for conditions to improve, an American team attempted a nearby route, but retreated for fear of being knocked off the face by the continuous snowfall. Eventually they decided to attempt a line on the Bear’s Tooth, but as they approached the face a sérac collapsed engulfing them in avalanche dust. Unsure how long it would take for the northern side of the mountain to come into condition, they moved round to the south side, where conditions were good, and climbed 'Shaken Not Stirred', a 1000m ice and mixed route on the Moose’s Tooth.

April - May 2013
Dave Gladwin and Mike (Twid) Turner

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