Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Denali/Hunter Experience 2000

The plans of this team to put up contrasting new routes on Mount Hunter, 4,442m, and Denali, 6,194m, were hampered by heavy snowfall. Despite this and two fractured ribs sustained by Parnell when hit by a snow mushroom, they climbed a 1,200m ED4 (Alaskan Grade 6) new route 'The Knowledge' on Hunter's N Buttress. Snow conditions were considered too dangerous to continue to the summit, so they abseiled down the nearby Moonflower Buttress. Their later attempt on Denali was abandoned at 4,900m, whilst an intended reconnaissance of a new line of Kahiltna West failed to reach the base of the mountain.

May - June 2000
Jules Cartwright with lan Parnell

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