Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Manamcho 2007

During his expedition to Kajaqiao in 2005 (MEF Ref 05/17) Fowler discovered that the name had originally been attributed to a very shapely peak to its south whose true name was Manamcho (6,264m): Tom Nakamura described it as 'the Matterhorn of the Nyenchen Tanghla'. Amos and Thomas had attempted its NW ridge while Fowler and Watts were on Kajaqiao, but only reached 5,880m. However, Fowler had been so impressed with its appearance that this return visit was inevitable. In a round trip of eight days from base camp (including one spent exploring the 'most beautiful area ever visited') Fowler and Ramsden completed the ascent of the NW ridge (at TD) and thus the fIrst ascent of the peak. Unfortunately, photographs from the summit, rather than the hoped for panoramic extravaganza, 'could have been taken on any cold, snowy, misty and windswept place anywhere in the world'. Meanwhile in a four-day round trip, Burns and Cartwright made the first ascent of Peak 5935m which rises to the north-west of the large glacier plateau north and west of Manamcho and Kajaqiao. This climb involved superb mixed climbing of AD standard, and the excellent views from the summit helped to clarify the layout of the mountains in the area.

April - May 2007
Mick Fowler, Steve Burns, lan Cartwright & Paul Ramsden

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