Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

New Zealand Unclimbed Tibet 2005

Although a permit for a similar expedition was issued in 2004 it was withdrawn at a late stage. This year they were luckier, and although hampered by heavy rain, the team was able to access the Lawa Valley in the Nyainqentanglha East region of Tibet, where the precipitation continued in the form of snow, which made all progress difficult - impossible without snowshoes. After 12 days of effort, they established a camp on neve below the southern aspect of Birutaso (c.6,550m). From here a full day's climbing took them 900m up steep snow/ice couloirs followed by snow aretes and ramps to the summit, but necessitated an unplanned bivouac before descending next day.

September - November 2005
Sean Waters with Jo Kippax

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