Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British North Lungkar

Maps of remote areas can be most unreliable, with different heights - and names - being allocated to the same peaks. From several maps, this team spotted an unclimbed peak about 100km south-west of Gertse (aka Lumaringpo) in northern Tibet, variously marked as Peak 6704 and Peak 7200, and planned to make a reconnaissance and hopefully its first ascent. Satellite and GoogIe Earth pictures proved helpful on their approach to the area from the north, and they were able to drive to a base camp at c5,000m. From here they progressed via easy slopes to a camp at 6,017m in the centre of a glacier. Although they did not expect to encounter monsoon conditions in this area, heavy snowfall suggested otherwise, and they triggered a number of massive snow slides which warned them of the danger in progressing any further. Although they did not have an opportunity to confirm the true height of the peak - known to locals as Tachab Kangri - they were convinced that the greater height was most unrealistic.

July - August 2007
John Town, Kevin Clarke, Mike Dawber & Richard Sant

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