Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British San Lorenzo

Cerro San Lorenzo (3706m) is the second highest peak in the Patagonian Andes, and was first climbed by an Italian team in 1941: it has received a number of subsequent ascents, but this team hoped to make the first ascent of its South Face. However, on arrival in the area, it was immediately obvious that this year séracs would make any attempt on the face too dangerous. Alternative objectives attempted include a big gully between Pilar Sar & Cumbre Sar, which was abandoned below the bergschrund because of deep snow etc, and the East side of Cerro Penitentes (2967m), abandoned for the same reason. Although an attempt on Cerro Hermosa (2450m) was contemplated, strong winds and heavy snow made any further climbing unsafe.

September - October 2009
Mick Fowler with Steve Burns, Ian Cartwright and Es Tresidder

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