Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Sepu Kangri 1998

Before the main body of this expedition attempted the principal objective of making the first ascent of Sepu Kangri, 6,956m, in the eastern Nyenchen Tanglha (sometimes known as Nyangla-Qen-Tangla Shan) area of NE Tibet, Clarke and Robertson had pioneered a new approach from the NW - probably the first Westerners to visit the area - seeing a wealth of unclimbed peaks as they progressed. As part of the acclimatisation process, first ascents of two peaks were made: Thaga Ri ('Saddle Peak'), 5,930m, by Little and Muir and 'Charlie's Peak', 5,850m, by Clarke and Saunders. Attempts on the main peak were thwarted by bad weather but Muir and Saunders reached its W Summit, 6,830m, and Little and Muir made the first ascent of Seamo Uylmitok ('Turquoise Flower'), 6,550m.

August - October 1998
Chris Bonington with Graham Little, Scott Muir, Elliot Robertson and Victor Saunders plus Martin Belderson, Dr Charles Clarke, Greig Cubitt, Jim Curran and Rob Franklin as support/film crew

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