Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Shimshal Expedition

The main objective was the first ascent of a 6,150m peak in the Gunj-e Dur glacier system, with other secondary objectives nearby. After a three-day walk in from Shimshal they established a base camp in the valley, and then an ABC from which the attempts were made. Cave and Davidson set off for an attempt on Pk 6150 accompanied by their local guide, Karim Hayet. Unfortunately Cave suffered altitude sickness and retreated. Davidson and Hayat continued up the SE face to the summit ridge. The highest point of the ridge was deemed unclimbable in the snow conditions so they climbed a nearby peak of 6,015m at Scottish II/III, and with a 900m gain in altitude, and named this Yad Sar. Meanwhile Carratt and Conlon climbed an unnamed peak of 5,855m, also in a single day from ABC. Both are believed to be first ascents.

August - September 2017
George Cave, Steve Carratt, Ross Davidson and Clay Conlon

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