Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Imperial College Quimsa Cruz 2007

For their first trip to the greater ranges these five young students selected an area to the east and north-east of Laguna Blanca of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz of Bolivia as offering plenty of scope for exploration and new routes. Although prior to the trip they had named two specific objectives, once in the field they decided that neither looked particularly attractive, so turned their attention to others. In total, they climbed 11 routes, 10 of which were thought to be new. Eight were purely rock routes, two long scrambling 'alpine' routes and one was a mixed route. They felt that the area was an excellent destination for future rock-climbing expeditions.

June - July 2007
Hal Watts, Bernard Lam, Ben Withers, Virgil Scott & Markus Roggen

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