Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Izvor Licanke Cave Diving

Successive expeditions have expanded the mapping for the Izvor Licanke cave network since the first expedition travelled to the cave in 1992. This expedition, which is in its fifth year of exploration to the caves, looked to build on this work by exploring new cave passages both above and below water. The expedition went to plan, with three exploratory dives conducted and 601 metres of new cave passages discovered. This brought the total length of the cave to 1.5 Km, of which 1,125 metres has been discovered by this 2019 team. Four sumps were explored in total, with new lengths found in each of them and an evidence that the cave is still trending north and heading straight into the mountains north of the lake, appearing to pass beneath a mountainous, perched lake. Following this expedition, the team have been asked to gather water samples when they next return in 2020 to give further information to the local water board.

June 2019
Christine Grosart, Richard Walker, Rick Van Dijk, Ash Hiscock, Mark Burkey, Roberto Varesko, Rita Mallinson Cookson and Jessica Burkey

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