Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services North Peary Land 1969

The expedition spent the Spring and Summer of 1969 exploring Greenland's most northerly peninsular. Their primary task was to conduct a tellurometer and theodolite traverse in order to accurately map the 300 square mile area. In this they were successful. The expedition party also made 21 ascents of 4,000ft peaks on the peninsula, primarily in the eastern Roosevelt Range. Additionally, studies in botany, ornithology, mammalogy and meteorology were successfully conducted throughout the expedition, with the glaciological research proving unfruitful. 

April - September 1969
John Peacock, Bruce Reid, Ian Cox, Tony Dalton, Peter Dawes, Rod FOuntaqin, Chris Grant, Adrian Griffin, Simon Lloyd-Morrison, Hugh May, Chris Shorrocks and Jack Soper

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