Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Khan Tengri

First ascents of around 5000m+ above the North Inylchek Glacier in Kyryzstan. In an interesting approach to acclimatisation Miller and Kernick climbed Khan Tengri (7010m) before joining Ford and Holloway for the main objectives. Their first choice was peak 5023, on the opposite side of the glacier, and the approach involved first crossing the glacier, then an unattractive scree slope to the snowline, and an icy traverse up to 60-65 degrees to hit the ridgeline where they pitched tent. The final 700m ascent was largely ice Scottish 2/3, with a short vertical section before the summit. All four expedition members reached the summit.

July - August 2015
Seth Ford, Tim Miller, Will Kernick and Cameron Holloway

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