Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Kyrgyz Djangart

The Djangart region is a sub-range of the Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, midway between Inylchek Glacier and the Western Kokshaal-Too, and has a number of unclimbed peaks c 5000m. This team hoped to climb a number of these, including the highest – Pt. 5318m. Their planned to hire mules to carry their gear over the 4200m Djangart Pass did not work out, so they established a base camp in the Kaichi Valley, considerably increasing the length and complexity of walk-ins to their chosen peaks. An attempt on Peak 5318m was abandoned at 4750m due to avalanche conditions, but the pair succeeded in making the first ascents of Pt 4765m (1200m AD) and Pt 4950m (‘The Phoenix’, 1200m, AD), for which they have proposed the names Peak Emma & Peak Laetitia respectively

July - August 2011
Richard Tremellen with Alex Brighton (UK)

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