Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

North East Greenland 1999

Reports from Cambridge University Expeditions to NE Greenland in 1929 and 1931 tempted this team of current students to visit Louise Boyds Land to combine exploration with some botanical and geological studies. Sensibly they completed most of the scientifIc work within the first two weeks, and were then able to concentrate on the climbing. In this they were very successful, making first ascents of no less than 15 peaks between 2,050m and 2,600m (F to PD+) and two new routes (PD and AD-) on the NW Face of Petermann Bjerg, 2,944m, 'the highest mountain in the High Arctic'.

June - August 1999
Helen Bostock with Andrew Bostock, Neal Hockley, David Mills and Matt Tinsley

Other expeditions nearby