Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Quimsa Cruz/Illimani 2000

Until a few years ago, the MEF had received few applications from expeditions planning to visit the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz of Bolivia: now it is one of the most popular areas on the continent. From a base camp at 4,500m, this all-female party explored the Immaculado Region, achieving 16 new routes and five first ascents of peaks c.4,900-5,500m. At the end of the expedition, an attempt on the Khoya Khoyu route on Illimani N Summit, c.6,300m, was defeated by crevasses, 'concrete' ice and an amphitheatre of overhanging seracs, but honour was restored by a successful ascent of the normal route on Pequena Alpamayo in the Cordillera Condoriri. This expedition was awarded the MEF Alison Chadwick Memorial Grant for 2000.

July - August 2000
Dr Adele Pennington with Di Gilbert, Sarah Nuttall, Sue Savage, Catrin Thomas and Claire Waddingham

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