Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Scottish Hindu Kush 1970

After a long overland journey from the UK, the expedition achieved the first ascents of Marble Cake Mountain (5620m), Koh-i-Corner (5752m), Koh-i-Farda (5420m), Koh-i-Crystal (5700m), Koh-i-Parrendah (5637m), Bride Peak (5555m), Koh-i- Jumjumma (5430m), Koh-i-Sassi (5316m), an unnamed 5590m peak and Shak-i-Kabud (6190m).

June - September 1970
R. Alan North, Ian G. Rowe, William M. A. Sproul and Wilfrid J. A. Tauber

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