Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Virgin Summits - Tibet 2003

As a result of recent exploration by Tamotsu Nakamura of the Japanese Alpine Club, the Nyenchentangla East range of Tibet is becoming a popular venue for climbers such as these, who are seeking something different. Unfortunately, when they arrived, the access road was closed due to landslides, losing them over a week, and preventing them accessing any of their chosen peaks. However, they did attempt the unclimbed Chukporisum (6,359m) but aborted within 200m of the summit rather than risk cold injuries. They then completed a circumnavigation of the northern section of the range, making the first western crossings of two passes (5,300m and 5,100m) in the process, and revealing the immense potential that awaits future visitors, with some 30 peaks over 6,000m, mostly unclimbed.

September - October 2003
Adam Thomas with Phil Amos and Graham Rowbotham from UK and Bryan Godfrey from NZ

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