Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Anglo-New Zealand Djangart 2013

This team (mainly from the Universities of Leeds & Sheffield) decided that in view of its relatively easy access and lack of bureaucracy, the Djangart Range would be a good choice for a first expedition to the greater ranges. In particular, they hoped to make first ascents of several 5000m peaks in the Sauktor area, but unfortunately, the helicopter flying them in from Maida Adyr actually dropped them some 10km away from their intended base camp. Undeterred, they split into 2 groups of 3 and, between spells of bad weather, were successful in making the first ascents of Pt 4871 (Peak Fotheringham), Pt 4950 (Peak Kinmundy), Pt 5051 (Pk Macmillan) and Pt 5168 (Pk Vinton-Boot). They also made the first traverse of the Djanghorn Ridge, which included first ascents of 2 more peaks, and second ascents of 2 others.

August 2013
Tom Bell with Timothy Elson, Max Folkett, Reg Measures, Hugh Thomas & Neil Thomas

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