Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

British Western Hajar Traverse 2003/4

Although small groups of British enthusiasts have been visiting the mountains of Oman since Sir Wilfred Thesiger's journeys in 1947, this was the first application for support submitted to the MEF. Encouraged by Sir Wilfred shortly before he died, this team planned to make a continuous SW to NW 600km traverse of the Western Hajar range from the base of the Wahiba Sands to AI Dawadi on the Indian Ocean by camel, foot and bicycle, climbing new routes on each of the major rock faces along the way. Wallis had to leave the team part way because of a family medical emergency, but despite continuous new rules imposed by Omani government officials and 'more foot blisters than you could throw a stick at', the other three managed to achieve this. En route they climbed five new routes between 300m and 500m in length and V+ to VI+ in grade.

December 2003 - January 2004
Geoff Hornby with Susie Sammut, Mark Turnbull and David Wallis

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