Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Joint Services Expedition to Brabant Island (Continued)

The report of the over-wintering party (June - November 1984) covered the reconnaissance of a route up to 1800m on Harvey Heights, the two-week 'Himalayan style' ascent of Mount Parry (2,522m) and the first ascents of all the higher Solvay Mountains. Scientific data from the N end of the island were also collected. The Second Summer Party took over in December 1984 and is due to stay until April 1985.

1983 - 1985
Col JR Furse, Cpl IE Atkins, Cpl J Beattie, LA(P) G Corbett, Capt N Evans BSc, Francois De Gerlache, Sgt J Kimbrey, L Cpl J Lumsden, Surg Lt M Oakley, Mr M Ringe BSc, Cpl J Spottiswood and Sgt P Stuttard

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