Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Midlands Hindu Kush Himalayan 1967

The expedition travelled overland from the UK to Kabul. Here they split the party in two; the southern contingent heading for Mir Samir, while the northern travelled to Koh-e-Bandakar and the Sharan Valley. The northern contingent made a successful ascent of Koh-e-Bandakar (6812m) via the mountain's south face, with a descent via the west ridge and also climbed several peaks in the Sharan Valley. The southern party made an ascent of Mir Samir via its west face, but their part of the expedition was marred by tragedy when John Fleming was killed, apparently swept away and drowned when attempting to cross a stream.

Doug Scott, Bill Cheverst, John Fleming, Ray Gillies, Bob Holmes, George Jones, Guy Lee, Brian Palmer, Dick Stroud, Mick Terry, Ken Vickers and Tony Watts

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