Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

University of Bristol Djangart 2013

The objective of this team was to explore the glaciated valleys in the Tien Shan that run into the Djangart valley, making first ascents of as many peaks as possible. Unfortunately just before leaving home they learned that one of their main objectives – Pik 5318m – had just received its first ascent by an American team. Undeterred, they concentrated on others, and climbing as pairs achieved first ascents of seven peaks ranging from 4822m to 5100m via routes which they graded AD- to D-. The team has proposed names for each of them, but still awaits the approval of the Kyrgyzstan Mountaineering Federation.

July - August 2013
Ross Davidson with Harry Bloxham, George Cave, Clay Conlon, Al Docherty & Harry Kingston

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